Thawing out
It’s been a tough few years. A big part of that is how much I’ve missed my work bench - actually creating with my hands. It’s peaceful. It’s fulfilling. And I needed it back in my life.
So, I made it happen.✨️
This time, though, feels a bit different. The fears are bigger, the doubts louder. And I’ve been stuck in a functional freeze for months - years, really. Crawling out of that takes hard work. But this week, I decided to take the bull by the horns and start thawing myself out.
It takes a lot of courage. And a lot of stubborn determination. Two things I’ve never exactly lacked, thank goodness. And of course, I had to start off and challenge myself with my biggest challenge yet { drawing is NOT my forté } - because, well, that’s just how I do things.
So here I am. Showing up. I am just so grateful to be in a creative space and mindset again💖. And if that’s not magic, I don’t know what is.✨️